Note: This annotated silent-video slideshow occupies a rectangle 1370 pixels wide by 730 pixels high. Its 19 minutes of video should play on contemporary browsers that support .mp4 video format. If you can't see the red "Next" button, zoom your browser out.
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Here is a vision, with technology behind it that I’ll show you, for making it easy to experiment with working application models before committing to formal requirements. It’s easy enough that I envision getting the business people involved.
Requirements don’t always spring whole from the brow of Zeus, and need to be discovered. You will see a prototyping tool that is fluid and lightweight enough to support the requirements discovery process and that, at the same time, contributes to the concurrent development of business objects.
A word about the camera icon at the upper right corner. This is for people who like to take notes by photographing slides. A few of the following slides will have this icon as a suggestion that this slide might be a good one to get. However, the whole presentation is at the URL at the bottom. That URL will be on the last slide, too.